Tajima Software

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Unlocking all layers causes crash

Tajima Software
Tajima Software
After review, we have found that this issue is also fixed in the latest DG16 build
DGCommunity - New Posting Requirements

Tajima Software
Tajima Software
Hello everyone,

Due to a significant increase in spam recently, we have had to adjust the account permissions for this forum at least temporarily. The DGCommunity is still available for all users to read, but posting and creating topics has been limited to confirmed users of Tajima DG16, DG15, DG/ML14, and DG/ML13 (2009).

To create an account in the DGCommunity automatically with posting permissions, first you must create your PulseCloud account at:

Once this account exists, simply click on the DGCommunity tab to open this site again, but with an automatically generated account with your correct level of DG software.

If you created your DGCommunity account outside of PulseCloud, you may lack the ability to post currently. To change this, please send a Private Message to this admin account with your device number and version. We will update your account to the correct permissions based on the info provided.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and hope to return back to normal soon with additional spam filtering.
colour bar

Tajima Software
Tajima Software
Hello mgroup,

If you are having an issue setting more than 15 colours in a design, this thread may help:


It explains a bit about how to handle designs with more than 15 thread colours in it.

If this does not solve your issue, could you try explaining it in further detail and add screenshots if needed?
Re: Download File Error

Tajima Software
Tajima Software

Are you trying to open the file from within DG15? Or directly downloading from PulseCloud? Would you be able to provide a screenshot of the issue so we can see when it occurs?
DG16 Quick Tip Tutorial - Creating an Element

Tajima Software
Tajima Software
Elements are the keys to embroidery templates used in PulseCloud and PulseID online designers. They allow text to be personalized and/or mascots to be replaced depending on the purpose of the template. Adding Elements to your existing designs will prepare them for future use in any of our online services, enabling personalization from anywhere in the world!

This Quick Tip Tutorial demonstrates how to create an Element in Tajima DG16 by Pulse and upload it to PulseCloud:

The Elements option is included in the Illustrator Extreme level and above. it is a paid option for Creator and Composer users.
NOTICE: New Windows Update Causing Instability

Tajima Software
Tajima Software

We would like to make you aware of a Windows update that causes major stability problems with DG16 and DG15. The stability issues occur following normal operations such as opening files, sending designs to machines, and accessing the design queue are just a few examples.

We do not recommend that you install this Windows update. If you have installed this update already, you only have 10 days to uninstall the update.

Here are the Windows operating systems that are affected:

OS Name: Windows 10 Enterprise and Windows 10 Pro
Version: 10.0.19041 Build 19041

Here are the two Windows updates that are causing the stability issues:

2020-09 Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 2004 for X64-based Systems (KB4571756)
2020-09 Cumulative Update for .NET Framework 3.5 and 4.8 for Windows 10 Version 2004 for X64 (KB4576478)

If this Windows update is causing any issues for you, it can be uninstalled by clicking on your Windows Start Menu button and typing "View Update History." After opening this, click the "Uninstall Updates" link at the top of the screen and search for the updates named above. They will appear under the "Microsoft Windows" section with generic update text, so they are easiest to find using the codes in brackets above.
Boundary for knockdown stitch on towels

Tajima Software
Tajima Software
For this task, we may suggest reviewing the Create Border tool:

You could convert the text to a segment and then select all items you want to create a border around. Then use the Auto-Border tool to generate a border at the appropriate distance from your text/design. Once the border has been created, you can convert that shape into any other stitch type.

If this isn't what you're looking to do, please provide any additional details you can about the design and your end goal.
DG16 Maintenance Release v7297 Is Now Available!

Tajima Software
Tajima Software
A new maintenance release is now available for Tajima DG16 by Pulse! Download version 7297 today from the PulseCloud download page:

Maintenance Release Highlights:
- Important stability improvements have been made, particularly with the ribbon interface turned on.
- Fit to Window after pasting has been added as a user setting.
- Branching stitch generation has been improved for short connections.
- DrawFusion now supports CorelDraw 2020.
- Bury Stitches feature makes connecting stitches invisible by driving them deep into the fabric.
- Several fonts have had their kerning updated and characters added.
- Autodigitizer Wizard has improved usability and design quality.
- Step Settings have been added to manage changes in sewing speed.

Many more changes have been made as well, which you can see by clicking the Detailed Change List below or on PulseCloud!
Stitch Select advance buttons

Tajima Software
Tajima Software
Thanks for your feedback cwanderson2016. We will review the issue to confirm the cause of the problem.
Embroidery i2 Training Resources

Tajima Software
Tajima Software
Videos and documentation coming soon.

Tajima Software
Tajima Software
Hi oyanes,

This is for PulseCloud? If you have attempted to reset the password and it does not work, you may have a typo in your Username. It is case sensitive.

If you can PM us your device number and the email address associated with your PulseCloud account, we can review the info.
DG16 Maintenance Release v7297 Is Now Available!

Tajima Software
Tajima Software
kelly_golficonic wrote:
After the update, my software is now glitching to not allow island trims when entering text.

Hello kelly_golficonic,

Would you be able to provide further details about the issue you're having? A screenshot of the setting you're trying to use would help. Also, which version of DG16 did you have before updating to v7297?

The Trim setting does not work with certain old Legacy fonts, so it's possible that this may be the cause. We'd ask that you try the same setting with any font that says "New" after it to see if the same problem occurs.

If you are using branched segments, please let us know the steps you took before encountering the issue so we could reproduce the issue as well. Sending us a file where the issue is happening may help as well if possible.
Start Page

Tajima Software
Tajima Software
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We are reviewing it now and it should be fixed shortly.
Preview Any Pulse Font Online!

Tajima Software
Tajima Software
Did you know that you can preview any font available for Tajima DG16 by Pulse and PulseID automation solutions on our website? We've made several updates to our DG Fonts page recently, including the addition of over 40 more fonts for you to try out!

Try them yourself here:

Some of these new fonts have been included in the latest Tajima DG16 by Pulse maintenance release, so you can begin using them right away. Others are available for purchase from your local Pulse distributor. If you spot any new fonts you would like to add to your collection, please contact your local Pulse distributor for more information.

PulseCloud Video Walkthrough

Tajima Software
Tajima Software
susan@ggxnm.com wrote:
Is there a way to upload more than one design at a time. Like a mass upload?

On the PulseCloud website, you can upload multiple files at a time. To do this, go to the Files page, then select Upload and click on Choose Files. From that window, you can use Shift+Click or CTRL+Click to select multiple files at one time and upload them all. If your files are spread between different folders, you may need to repeat the process for each folder.
Tool Bar Missing and wrong image icons

Tajima Software
Tajima Software
Hello BordadosColores,

If you are have an issue where icons are not appearing correctly, we suggest resetting the workspace to set everything back to standard settings.

We will review the issue you mention about descriptions being in the wrong icon field. Could you confirm that you are using the latest version of Tajima DG16 by Pulse? If not, this may have already been fixed in version that's available on the PulseCloud site now.
Tool Bar Missing and wrong image icons

Tajima Software
Tajima Software
Hello BordadosColores,

Some tools in DG16 do not currently have icons associated with them, so it's not uncommon for it to appear as though an image is missing. That is something we're working on for future iterations of the Tajima DG by Pulse software.
error saving files

Tajima Software
Tajima Software
Hello klbillen,

We would request that you contact your distributor to ask about this issue you have mentioned. They may be able to help solve the problem, but if not, then they would be able to gather some important information about your PC, DG version and settings, and other things that would help us fix the issue.
error saving files

Tajima Software
Tajima Software
To contact Hirsch support, we recommend using https://help.hsi.us/hc/en-us/requests/new or calling their phone number for more immediate needs. They should reach out to you shortly after receiving your request if you have an account with them and your provide your own contact information.

Tajima Software
Tajima Software
Hello klbillen,

Rhinestone is an optional paid upgrade feature available for Tajima DG16 by Pulse. If you have purchased this option, you will find Rhinestone fonts available in your font list.

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