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DG16 Maintenance Release v7297 Is Now Available! Messages in this topic - RSS

Tajima Software
Tajima Software
Posts: 499

Tajima Software
Tajima Software
Posts: 499
A new maintenance release is now available for Tajima DG16 by Pulse! Download version 7297 today from the PulseCloud download page:

Maintenance Release Highlights:
- Important stability improvements have been made, particularly with the ribbon interface turned on.
- Fit to Window after pasting has been added as a user setting.
- Branching stitch generation has been improved for short connections.
- DrawFusion now supports CorelDraw 2020.
- Bury Stitches feature makes connecting stitches invisible by driving them deep into the fabric.
- Several fonts have had their kerning updated and characters added.
- Autodigitizer Wizard has improved usability and design quality.
- Step Settings have been added to manage changes in sewing speed.

Many more changes have been made as well, which you can see by clicking the Detailed Change List below or on PulseCloud!

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Posts: 1

After the update, my software is now glitching to not allow island trims when entering text.
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Tajima Software
Tajima Software
Posts: 499

Tajima Software
Tajima Software
Posts: 499
kelly_golficonic wrote:
After the update, my software is now glitching to not allow island trims when entering text.

Hello kelly_golficonic,

Would you be able to provide further details about the issue you're having? A screenshot of the setting you're trying to use would help. Also, which version of DG16 did you have before updating to v7297?

The Trim setting does not work with certain old Legacy fonts, so it's possible that this may be the cause. We'd ask that you try the same setting with any font that says "New" after it to see if the same problem occurs.

If you are using branched segments, please let us know the steps you took before encountering the issue so we could reproduce the issue as well. Sending us a file where the issue is happening may help as well if possible.
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