Software shuting down
I also have issues with the program just shutting down. We use a custom color palette that was created in DG 15. If i try to add a color to this palette in DG16 the software closes. This also happens if i add a color to a New empty color palette. No error message, just closes and disappears.
Thanks |
Topic: Bugs
I do not use the Embroidery Disk/write option in the software. I usually just do a Save As and choose DST for the format. This does not give any errors. |
Jump stitches going from PXF to DST
I forgot to mention, this is usually caused by exceeding the max stitch length a machine uses. since satin stitches stitch from 1 side to the other, stitches can get too long when they are wide.
You can also turn on and play with the quality control settings which will break up the long stitches and prevent this. Using quality control can have adverse effects in the appearance of the designs since it places additional stitches in between the offending long stitches. In the case of a wide satin, this will leave a row of stitches in the middle of the satin changing how it appears to some extent, but solves the jumps issues.
There are quite a few options in the Quality Control setting that give you some control of how these extra stitch get added to split the long stitches. It will require some playing to determine what works best for you. edited by ChenilleGuy2 on 8/10/2022 edited by ChenilleGuy2 on 8/10/2022 |
Jump stitches going from PXF to DST
Looking at your images, I see Jumps are not what you really meant, you are referring to Trims between letters. Sorry, i should have looked at those before I responded.
Are your letters digitized segments or text segments?
You probably already know that trims are turned on in different places for each of those. Since you don't show the trims on you PXF I cannot tell if you have them on correctly. if they are turned on correctly you should see the scissors on each letter in the pxf as shown in this image. those should carry thru to your DST.