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Tilde or accent marks Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 2

Posts: 2
How do you put a tilde or an accent mark over a letter in a name? Plain block font
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Tajima Software
Tajima Software
Posts: 499

Tajima Software
Tajima Software
Posts: 499
Hello mbandeen,

To use letters with accents, you first need to check of the font you want to use supports special characters. You can check which characters a font allows by going to the Help menu, selecting Fonts from the dropdown, and then searching for the font you wish to use.

If the font supports special characters, Three ways you can get them into DG16 are:
- paste in your text from another source
- Looking up Alt+codes for the character you need (For example, holding the ALT key while pressing 130 will result in this character: é)
- change your keyboard language in the Windows settings.
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