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How do I move the design "center"
TheFinishingTouch Posts: 15
I don't know what I did, but now that I've finished digitizing a design, when I look at "Print Preview", the cross hairs for the center of the design are centered horizontally, but the vertical is not. The vertical is at the bottom point of the design. How do I fix this and what did I do to cause it? I would post a picture of the printed worksheet, but I'm not able to. The "attach files" input for this message box isn't allowing me to do so. edited by TheFinishingTouch on 7/29/2024
dluxedivegear Posts: 60
Hi, Can you make a screenshot (for example using Clip2Net or similar or screenshopt on the phone) and just copy/ past as a picture in the message
TheFinishingTouch Posts: 15
Since I couldn't get a "timely answer" here, I did what I should have done. I went to the internet and did a search. The very first response to my question of "how to recenter a design in Pulse DG" came up with an answer to the same question in the DG14 section. I selected the entire design, went to "Segment" on the top ribbon tabs, and found I had selected a start/stop for a piece of the design that cause the whole thing to be offset. I selected the "start/end" then "one location" and "location in design" and the button in the center. That's all it took. It's interesting how the "search" feature works better going through the entire internet, then the search feature for just this community board does. edited by TheFinishingTouch on 7/30/2024
dluxedivegear Posts: 60
True:-). I also find Internet searches more efficient because I either don't receive any feedback from our local dealer, or it comes after three weeks. However, the community board is still good for brainstorming
isilay Posts: 69
Glad you found it online, but I suggest you to use also the local Help file of your software. DG's user manual will pop-up when you press F1. Your question's answer and more are over there.