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Looking for a better font - tips to make cleaner Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 7

Posts: 7
We do a lot of personalization on items. Very Basic First Name, Last Name, maybe a department
The current setup we have is using the BLOCK NEW font. the text size can be between .30in to .18in depending on the name.

I notice some letter collapse in a, e, b, d, etc.)
Any suggestion on adjustments we can make to help that look cleaner or is there another better digitized font we can use/download that looks just like BLOCK NEW?
I have seen some items from competing shops and their font is ever so slightly different, so I am looking for some info!
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Posts: 15

You might try 60wt thread and a 65/9 needle, or 75wt thread and a 60/8 needle. Going to a thinner thread you may need to increase the density, you may also need to adjust pull comp. Also try experimenting with density. I don't know if you use the .4 or the 63.5 or?? Just lessening/reducing the density a little might help if you're using 40wt thread.
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Posts: 7

Posts: 7
Thanks! That helped out a little bit. But I am still having issues with say the letter "i" or "j". The dot above those letters are so close that the space between them closes and they turn into "l" or what not. Is it possible to edit the font itself - increase the spacing on things like that.

Any other sources to bring in fonts that are not included with Pulse?
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Posts: 15

Pulse offers the ability to use True Type fonts, but they come in as fill stitches, and I gather you are looking for fonts that automatically digitize as satin stitch. I am not aware of any sources for fonts that you won't have to convert from fill to satin.
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Posts: 60

Posts: 60
I also have issues with 'i' and 'j' from time to time, but I adjust the dots manually if they are too close. As for TrueType fonts, the conversion from Fill to Satin stitch doesn't take long; it only requires adjusting the stitch angles occasionally. For vertical alignment, I mainly use German Block New.. The dots, by the way, are positioned higher in this font and, when vertically aligned, they are well-trimmed on the sides.
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Posts: 7

24 days ago
Posts: 7
dluxedivegear wrote:
I also have issues with 'i' and 'j' from time to time, but I adjust the dots manually if they are too close. As for TrueType fonts, the conversion from Fill to Satin stitch doesn't take long; it only requires adjusting the stitch angles occasionally. For vertical alignment, I mainly use German Block New.. The dots, by the way, are positioned higher in this font and, when vertically aligned, they are well-trimmed on the sides.

Would you be able to explain how you move the "dots up for me?
That is an issue I am having as well.
We got our fonts to look better but still having some issues with i's and j's

Secondly, would there be a way to take the New Block font and make a copy of it, edit the i's and j's so that it is automatically setup like this every time? I have been trying to find resources on creating my own font. Anyone have suggestions?
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Posts: 13

22 days ago
Posts: 13
Hillhouse wrote:
Would you be able to explain how you move the "dots up for me?
That is an issue I am having as well.
We got our fonts to look better but still having some issues with i's and j's

Secondly, would there be a way to take the New Block font and make a copy of it, edit the i's and j's so that it is automatically setup like this every time? I have been trying to find resources on creating my own font. Anyone have suggestions?

To increase the spacing between letters, use the setting: Segments settings → Text → General → Letter spacing.

To edit each letter individually, you need to break the text into segments:
Right-click on the text object → Process → Text to Segments.
After this, in Sequence View, you will see that each letter is now separate. However, the letters i and j will still be together with their dots. You need to select the letter i or j and perform a Breakup (Ctrl + K). This will separate the dot from the main body of the letter, allowing you to move or delete it.

Unfortunately, this process cannot be done automatically.
Also, internal fonts in DG cannot be edited.

You can create a font from scratch in DG using any TrueType font with the built-in tool:
Manage → Fonts → New.
However, this feature is only available in Maestro versions of DG.
edited by izšuvums.lv on 2/12/2025
edited by izšuvums.lv on 2/12/2025
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Posts: 7

16 days ago
Posts: 7
This is very helpful. I might be crazy or maybe I do not know how to locate it but I can not find the BREAKUP command nor does that shortcut work.
I have DG 16 but maybe I need a different version?
Attached is what I am seeing in my program

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Posts: 13

14 days ago
Posts: 13
Hillhouse wrote:
This is very helpful. I might be crazy or maybe I do not know how to locate it but I can not find the BREAKUP command nor does that shortcut work.
I have DG 16 but maybe I need a different version?
Attached is what I am seeing in my program

The Combine and Breakup tool are available at the Illustrator Extreme level and above.
If the Breakup tool is not available to you, I have another idea on how to move the dot above the "i." I see that the Vertex Select tool (Shortcut - N) is available to you.
Do the same steps: break the text into segments, then select the letter "i" or "j." Now, choose the Vertex Select tool (N). Use this tool to select the ENTIRE dot above the "i." Only now you are selecting not the object itself, but the nodes. So, hold down the left mouse button and select all the nodes of the dot in the letter "i." The object's node color will change from red to yellow. Using Vertex Select, you can move the entire object wherever you need.
However, with this method, you won’t be able to remove the jump stitch if there is one, meaning you won’t be able to add a trim.
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