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Custom Script New uppercase i
cjtho6 Posts: 12
The shape of the uppercase i has changed in All the other uppercase letters are the same. Is this deliberate? I can no longer match existing designs using that letter. I have attached an image. The one on the left is the old and the new on the right. Thank you
Chris Thomas edited by cjtho6 on 5/13/2022
Luebbers Posts: 19
I noticed your post, and tried the upper case I to see what I would get, and I also got the I on the right as in your picture. But I tried the OLD fonts version of Custom Script, and it looks more like the I on the left in your picture. Not sure if that will help you or not.
Tajima Software Administrator Posts: 499
Hi Chris,
Looked into this and the uppercase "I" was modified deliberately for this font.
If you need to match existing designs, you should be able to use the older version of the font as mentioned above.
You may need to make a change to Tools>User Settings >Text>Display all fonts